Reinvigorating your workforce in a post-pandemic, hybrid world
The international Covid-19 crisis we’ve been living through for over a year has forced every business to question its operational framework. New working styles have been adopted and, for some, these practices will continue.
In theory, a ‘hybrid’ model of working, where employees work part of the week at home and part from the office provides the best of both worlds; it gives sociability and structure but also flexibility and independence.
While many organisations are embracing this hybrid model, it does not come without its challenges. In a post-pandemic world, employers will need to strike the right balance between flexible home working and an office space that reflects their business’s culture.
Whether that’s collaborative working spaces or a digital-first remote option (or both), the hybrid model will require constant communication and collaboration between employers and employees in the months to come.
If you’re not done so already, now is the time to consider what type of more permanent ‘hybrid’ model might work best for your business and your employees. Here are some key things to consider.
Prioritise employee wellbeing
Supporting employees’ wellbeing when working from home isn’t something that should be left behind with the pandemic. According to research by Randstad UK, two-fifths of workers in the UK are languishing at work, with the pandemic leaving them feeling ‘aimless’. Protecting and supporting your team’s mental health should be at the forefront of both office culture and remote working.
Engagement is key
According to a study by Slack, 57% of adults think employers should continue to offer hybrid working, believing it is good for productivity and overall mental state. As the most important part of your business it’s important to engage with your staff to identify their individual needs. Staff surveys are a great way of finding out ways to improve their experiences both in their remote-working set-ups and in the office, while regular communication via a digital platform can help you keep employees updated on company developments wherever they might be working from.
Invest in digital infrastructure
Technology has been an essential component in navigating the world of business during the pandemic, enabling us to stay connected with our colleagues and maintain the ability to carry out day-to-day work-related tasks. Finding the best technology platforms that can help with this – and investing in those platforms – is key to keeping workforces motivated.
Zest’s award-winning employee benefits platform offers a fresh approach to employee benefits allowing employers to attract, motivate and retain talented staff by helping them get the most from their benefits package, whether they are working at the office or from home. Plus, it can be implemented in less than two months.
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